When I talk about things I don't understand, I don't mean Quantum Loop Gravity, Bessel Function proofs, or why the Kardashians are famous. I mean other things that NTs generally don't think about. Think of this post as a few micro-rants after a short hiatus.
The term "Hit and Miss" - these two terms are mutually exclusive, are they not? It is not possible to both miss and hit at the same time. What people mean to say is "sometimes this, sometimes that", or even "occasionally something". Is there no grey area? Just say it's equally likely.
Issues with bare feet - I know we cover up most of the rest of our bodies, but I was told it was poor form to be barefoot around the house in the presence of guests. Why? I only wear socks as shoe liners, and I'd be fine if people wanted to go barefoot around me. Some people ask you remove your shoes, I say it's fine to go one step further.
Um - I seem to have started making this noise to indicate I want to speak. I don't know why, but it's about as annoying to me as upspeak.
Everyone is always awesome - greetings cards are always to your favourite, or a very special person. Everybody who died of a disease was a light in their family's lives and a pillar of the community. There is nothing that expresses the sentiment "We don't really like each other, but it is a social expectation that I do this". This might not be the best idea, but it's a thought.
I want to receive a card that states: "We have known each other for the best part of two decades, but we have never been particularly close. However, there exists a bond between us that is difficult to define but could be labelled as friendship. I wish to express my appreciation of this bond, the emotional fulfillment it can provide, and all the times we have enjoyed each other's company in card form. Happy Birthday"
Names of things and ambiguity - today I saw two products by the same manufacturer which had somewhat ambiguous labeling. As I read it, one product implied it refreshed your eyes, and one implied it made them itchy. I do understand of course the purpose of each. And I do really like the English language (most languages for that matter) - some words have multiple meanings and two words can sound the same (yay for puns) - but I don't always know how to process slightly ambiguous statements. Which is possibly why I don't do too well on wordy exam questions...
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